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Biblioteca(s): |
Embrapa Acre. |
Data corrente: |
29/05/2008 |
Data da última atualização: |
26/08/2024 |
Tipo da produção científica: |
Artigo em Periódico Indexado |
Autoria: |
Afiliação: |
LUCIA HELENA DE OLIVEIRA WADT, CPAF-AC; Karen A. Kainer, University of Florida; C. L. Staudhammer, University of Florida; Rodrigo O. P. Serrano, Universidade Federal do Acre (Ufac). |
Título: |
Sustainable forest use in Brazilian extractive reserves: natural regeneration of Brazil nut in exploited populations. |
Ano de publicação: |
2008 |
Fonte/Imprenta: |
Biological Conservation, v. 141, n. 1, p. 332-346, Jan. 2008. |
0006-3207 |
DOI: |
10.1016/j.biocon.2007.10.007 |
Idioma: |
Inglês |
Conteúdo: |
The emergence of Brazilian extractive reserves reinforced the notion that sustainable forest use could play a central role in conservation. Brazil nut is considered a model non-timber product for promoting conservation through use. Demographic studies, however, have demonstrated differential impacts of nut harvest on Brazil nut population structure. Comparing three populations with different forest use histories, degrees of road access, and recent levels of nut harvest, we asked: (1) Are they exhibiting regeneration failure? and (2) Are seedling/sapling densities explained by adult Brazil nut structure, fruit fate and/or overall forest structure? We installed four 9-ha plots in each site to census Brazil nut trees > 10 cm dbh, and within each plot, 36 subplots (25 × 25 m each) to quantify regeneration, overall forest structure, and open and closed fruit counts. Approximately 29-55% of fruits was unharvested, and more than 90% of these was opened by scatterhoarding dispersers. Population structure approximated a reverse-J size class distribution, with seedling densities varying from 3.2 to 5.8 individuals ha-1. We conclude that within the current harvest context, regeneration is sufficient for population persistence in our sites, at least over the medium term. The socioeconomics of sustainably managing Brazil nut is the greater challenge, involving interlinked competitive land uses, nut quality, and substantial increases in local income from harvest. Some of these challenges are being addressed in Brazil, Bolivia and Peru, providing hope that this cornerstone extractive species will continue to play a prominent role in the ecological and economic landscape of Amazonia. MenosThe emergence of Brazilian extractive reserves reinforced the notion that sustainable forest use could play a central role in conservation. Brazil nut is considered a model non-timber product for promoting conservation through use. Demographic studies, however, have demonstrated differential impacts of nut harvest on Brazil nut population structure. Comparing three populations with different forest use histories, degrees of road access, and recent levels of nut harvest, we asked: (1) Are they exhibiting regeneration failure? and (2) Are seedling/sapling densities explained by adult Brazil nut structure, fruit fate and/or overall forest structure? We installed four 9-ha plots in each site to census Brazil nut trees > 10 cm dbh, and within each plot, 36 subplots (25 × 25 m each) to quantify regeneration, overall forest structure, and open and closed fruit counts. Approximately 29-55% of fruits was unharvested, and more than 90% of these was opened by scatterhoarding dispersers. Population structure approximated a reverse-J size class distribution, with seedling densities varying from 3.2 to 5.8 individuals ha-1. We conclude that within the current harvest context, regeneration is sufficient for population persistence in our sites, at least over the medium term. The socioeconomics of sustainably managing Brazil nut is the greater challenge, involving interlinked competitive land uses, nut quality, and substantial increases in local income from harvest. Some of these challenges ... Mostrar Tudo |
Palavras-Chave: |
Castanha do brasil; Extractive reserve; Manejo florestal; Nuez del Brasil; Productos forestales no madereros; Produto florestal não madeireiro (PFNM); Regeneración natural; Reserva extractiva; Reserva extrativista; Silvicultura sustentable. |
Thesagro: |
Bertholletia excelsa; Castanha do pará; Regeneração natural. |
Thesaurus Nal: |
Brazil nuts; Natural regeneration; Nontimber forest products; Sustainable forestry. |
Categoria do assunto: |
F Plantas e Produtos de Origem Vegetal |
URL: |
Marc: |
LEADER 02949naa a2200385 a 4500 001 1506234 005 2024-08-26 008 2008 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d 022 $a0006-3207 024 7 $a10.1016/j.biocon.2007.10.007$2DOI 100 1 $aWADT, L. H. de O. 245 $aSustainable forest use in Brazilian extractive reserves$bnatural regeneration of Brazil nut in exploited populations.$h[electronic resource] 260 $c2008 520 $aThe emergence of Brazilian extractive reserves reinforced the notion that sustainable forest use could play a central role in conservation. Brazil nut is considered a model non-timber product for promoting conservation through use. Demographic studies, however, have demonstrated differential impacts of nut harvest on Brazil nut population structure. Comparing three populations with different forest use histories, degrees of road access, and recent levels of nut harvest, we asked: (1) Are they exhibiting regeneration failure? and (2) Are seedling/sapling densities explained by adult Brazil nut structure, fruit fate and/or overall forest structure? We installed four 9-ha plots in each site to census Brazil nut trees > 10 cm dbh, and within each plot, 36 subplots (25 × 25 m each) to quantify regeneration, overall forest structure, and open and closed fruit counts. Approximately 29-55% of fruits was unharvested, and more than 90% of these was opened by scatterhoarding dispersers. Population structure approximated a reverse-J size class distribution, with seedling densities varying from 3.2 to 5.8 individuals ha-1. We conclude that within the current harvest context, regeneration is sufficient for population persistence in our sites, at least over the medium term. The socioeconomics of sustainably managing Brazil nut is the greater challenge, involving interlinked competitive land uses, nut quality, and substantial increases in local income from harvest. Some of these challenges are being addressed in Brazil, Bolivia and Peru, providing hope that this cornerstone extractive species will continue to play a prominent role in the ecological and economic landscape of Amazonia. 650 $aBrazil nuts 650 $aNatural regeneration 650 $aNontimber forest products 650 $aSustainable forestry 650 $aBertholletia excelsa 650 $aCastanha do pará 650 $aRegeneração natural 653 $aCastanha do brasil 653 $aExtractive reserve 653 $aManejo florestal 653 $aNuez del Brasil 653 $aProductos forestales no madereros 653 $aProduto florestal não madeireiro (PFNM) 653 $aRegeneración natural 653 $aReserva extractiva 653 $aReserva extrativista 653 $aSilvicultura sustentable 700 1 $aKAINER, K. A. 700 1 $aSTAUDHAMMER, C. L. 700 1 $aSERRANO, R. O. P. 773 $tBiological Conservation$gv. 141, n. 1, p. 332-346, Jan. 2008.
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Embrapa Acre (CPAF-AC) |
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