00963nam a2200289 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000190006024501120007926001440019130000360033550000100037165000190038165000250040065300220042565300230044765300250047070000160049570000200051170000220053170000190055370000160057270000230058870000200061170000210063170000210065219946722016-04-12 2014 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aSANTOS, W. dos aGenetic variation in Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis progenies for resin production.h[electronic resource] aIn: 2014 IUFRO FOREST TREE BREEDING CONFERENCE, 2014, Prague. Book of abstracts. [S.l.]: IUFRO: Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciencesc2014 ap. 62.cDisponibilizado online. aP 48. aPinus Caribaea aVariação Genética aEspécie exótica aEspécie florestal aProdução de resina1 aARAÚJO, D.1 aSOUZA, D. C. L.1 aMELO, M. F. de V.1 aMOREIRA, B. P.1 aCAMBUIM, J.1 aRECCO, C. R. S. B.1 aSOUSA, V. A. de1 aMORAES, M. L. T.1 aAGUIAR, A. V. de