01445naa a2200169 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000270006024500620008726000090014952009190015865000110107765000120108865000160110065300300111677301290114619830102017-07-19 2013 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aCASTRO, V. L. S. S. de aAnimalsbtoxicological evaluation.h[electronic resource] c2013 aMaternal exposure to toxic chemicals during pregnancy can disrupt the development, or even cause death, of the embryo or fetus. The developing organism is generally more vulnerable to injury caused by different classes of chemicals than the adult. Developmental toxicants are agents that cause adverse effects on developing organisms. This notion refers to any effect interfering with normal development, both before and after birth. A series of experimental methods are useful in studying developmental toxicity. Different international organizations have developed protocols for testing the reproductive and developmental toxicity of chemicals. Their results related to toxic effects produced by environmental pollutants are used worldwide. This entry shows some evidence on the impact of exposure to chemical pollutants during the perinatal period and presents some data on the adverse impacts of this exposure. aAnimal aPrenhez aToxicologia aAvaliação toxicológica tIn: JORGENSEN, S. E. (Ed.). Encyclopedia of environmental management. New York: Taylor and Francis, 2013.gv. 1, p. 280-287.