01265naa a2200217 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000280006024500890008826000090017752005980018665000340078465000120081865000140083070000200084470000240086470000200088870000220090870000230093077300940095319579672022-05-31 2013 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aASSUNÇÃO FILHO, J. R. aMorphoagronomic characterization of lima bean populations - Boca de Moça Landraces. c2013 aLima bean (Phaseolus lunatus L.) is one of four species of the genus Phaseolus commercially exploited, with the potential to provide vegetable protein. In Brazil, mainly in the Northeast region, is a income and alternative food source for the population. Boca de moça landrace is among the most widely consumed in the Piauí State, due to color pattern characteristic of their seeds. This study aimed to characterize lima bean populations of the Boca de moça landrace, based on agronomic traits, to verify the genetic diversity and to select individual plants with potential for improvement. aCaracterísticas Agronômicas aFeijão aVariedade1 aPENHA, J. S. da1 aLOPES, Â. C. de A.1 aGOMES, R. L. F.1 aSILVA, K. J. D. e1 aDIAS, C. T. dos S. tAnnual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative, East Lansinggv. 56, p. 153-154, 2013.