01728naa a2200205 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000190006024500840007926000090016352011210017265000100129365000220130365000120132570000230133770000210136070000230138170000210140477300970142519458192013-01-18 2012 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aSORATTO, R. P. aLeaf application of silicic acid to white oat and wheat.h[electronic resource] c2012 aSilicon (Si) is beneficial to plants in several aspects, but there are doubts about the effectiveness of leaf application. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the effects of Si, applied in a newly developed stabilized silicic acid form to the leaf, on nutrition and yield of irrigated white oat and wheat. Two experiments were performed (one per crop) in winter 2008, in Botucatu-SP, Brazil. A completely randomized block design with 14 replications was used. Treatments consisted of a control (without Si application) and Si leaf spraying, at a rate of 2.0 L ha-1 of the commercial product containing 0.8 % soluble Si. Silicon rate was divided in three parts, i.e. applications at tillering, floral differentiation and booting stages. Silicon leaf application increased N, P, K, and Si concentrations in white oat flag leaf, resulting in higher shoot dry matter, number of panicles per m2, number of grains per panicle and grain yield increase of 34 %. In wheat, Si leaf application increased K and Si concentrations, shoot dry matter and number of spikes per m2, resulting in a grain yield increase of 26.9 %. aAveia aNutriente mineral aSilicio1 aCRUSCIOL, C. A. C.1 aCASTRO, G. S. A.1 aCOSTA, C. H. M. da1 aFERRARI NETO, J. tRevista Brasileira Ciência do Solo, Viçosa, MGgv. 36, n. 5, p. 1538-1544, Oct./Nov. 2012.