01169naa a2200253 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001902200140006010000250007424501250009926000090022452003920023365000240062565000260064965300310067565300140070665300130072065300240073370000240075770000200078170000180080170000200081977300760083919436382021-11-04 2012 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d a0103-90161 aNASCIMENTO, A. F. do aCalibration and validation of models for short-term decomposition and N mineralization of plant residues in the tropics. c2012 aInsight of nutrient release patterns associated with the decomposition of plant residues is important for their effective use as a green manure in food production systems. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the ability of the Century, APSIM and NDICEA simulation models for predicting the decomposition and N mineralization of crop residues in the tropical Atlantic forest biome, Brazil. asoil organic matter aAgricultura Orgânica aMatéria orgânica do solo aModelagem aModeling aOrganic agriculture1 aMENDONÇA, E. de S.1 aLEITE, L. F. C.1 aSCHOLBERG, J.1 aNEVES, J. C. L. tScientia Agricola, Piracicabagv. 69, n. 6, p. 393-401, nov./dec. 2012.