02192naa a2200229 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000260006024500860008626000090017252015310018165000110171265300240172365300100174765300250175765300140178265300330179670000200182970000190184970000200186877300740188819239312012-06-04 2012 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aMASSRUHA, S. M. F. S. aDiagDatabA Tool for Generation of Fuzzy Inference System.h[electronic resource] c2012 aAbstract: In this paper, it described the architecture of a tool called DiagData. This tool aims to use a large amount of data and information in the field of plant disease diagnostic to generate a disease predictive system. In this approach, techniques of data mining are used to extract knowledge from existing data. The data is extracted in the form of rules that are used in the development of a predictive intelligent system. Currently, the specification of these rules is built by an expert or data mining. When data mining on a large database is used, the number of generated rules is very complex too. The main goal of this work is minimize the rule generation time. The proposed tool, called DiagData, extracts knowledge automatically or semi-automatically from a database and uses it to build an intelligent system for disease prediction. In this work, the decision tree learning algorithm was used to generate the rules. A toolbox called Fuzzygen was used to generate a prediction system from rules generated by decision tree algorithm. The language used to implement this software was Java. The DiagData has been used in diseases prediction and diagnosis systems and in the validation of economic and environmental indicators in agricultural production systems. The validation process involved measurements and comparisons of the time spent to enter the rules by an expert with the time used to insert the same rules with the proposed tool. Thus, the tool was successfully validated, providing a reduction of time. aModels aÁrvore de decisão aFuzzy aMineração de dados aModelagem aSistema de inferência fuzzy1 aRICCIOTI, R. F.1 aLIMA, H. P. de1 aMEIRA, C. A. A. tJournal of Environmental Science and Engineering B, p. 336-343, 2012.