01248naa a2200253 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000220006024500340008226000090011630000300012549000090015552005420016465000270070665000200073365000180075365000130077165000180078465000140080265300150081665300120083170000170084377301340086019008572018-06-13 2011 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aLIMA, M. A. C. de aSoursop (Annona muricata L.). c2011 acap. 18, p. 363-391. v. 4 vv. 4 aSoursop is a very perishable fruit. At room temperature, it has a shelf life limited to five days when it has been harvested at physiologieal maturity. Researeh into this fruit has been \imited to date but its attraetive flavor favors its eommereia\ization in different regions. Identifieation ofthe eorreet harvest time and the use ofpostharvest teehnologies sueh as refrigeration, eoatings and modified atmospheres, ete., ean extend the shelf \ife of soursop fruit. The impaet of orehard management on fruit qua\ity is also considered. aPostharvest technology aAnnona Muricata aConservação aGraviola aPós-Colheita aQualidade aAnnonaeeae aCultivo1 aALVES, R. E. tIn: YAHIA, E. M. (Ed.). Postharvest biology and technology of tropical and subtropical fruits. Oxford: Woodhead Publishing, 2011.