01666naa a2200313 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000230006024500940008326000090017750002160018652005390040265000290094165000200097065000240099065000240101465000240103865000350106265000110109765000230110865000130113165000230114470000200116770000210118770000220120870000210123070000190125177300820127018712552023-05-24 2010 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aEUCLIDES, V. P. B. aBrazilian scientific progress in pasture research during the first decade of XXI century. c2010 aPalestra 20 dos Anais da REUNIÃO ANUAL DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA ZOOTECNIA, 47., 2010, Salvador. Empreendedorismo e progresso científicos na zootecnia brasileira de vanguarda: anais. Salvador: SBZ: UFBA, 2010. aThis paper aims to discuss the scientific progress obtained in the past ten years in genetics and plant breeding, soil fertility and plant nutrition and the importance of target sward conditions for planning, controlling and recommending management grazing of tropical grasses. In addition, progress in crop-livestock integration systems and management alternatives for mitigation of greenhouse gas emission by beef cattle production systems, two very important areas related to sustainable production systems, will also be discussed. aGreenhouse gas emissions aPlant nutrition aTropical grasslands aFertilidade do Solo aForrageira Tropical aMelhoramento Genético Vegetal aMetano aNutrição Vegetal aPastagem aSistema de Pastejo1 aVALLE, C. B. do1 aMACEDO, M. C. M.1 aALMEIDA, R. G. de1 aMONTAGNER, D. B.1 aBARBOSA, R. A. tRevista Brasileira de Zootecniagv. 39, p.151-168, 2010. Suplemento especial.