00784naa a2200205 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000190006024501090007926000090018852001740019765000200037165300260039165300110041770000210042870000170044970000190046670000170048577300760050218671672017-04-17 2011 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aPEREIRA, A. Q. aIsolation and identification of cis-7-hydroxycalamenene from the essential oil of Croton cajucara Benth. c2011 aIn this work we aimed at the isolation and structure determination of the major sesquiterpene of the essential oil of C. cajucara in order to confirm its identification. aÓleo Essencial aCroton cajucara Benth aSacaca1 aCHAVES, F. C. M.1 aPINTO, S. C.1 aLEITÃO, S. G.1 aBIZZO, H. R. tThe Journal of Essential Oil Researchgv. 23, p. 20-23, mar./abr. 2011.