01323naa a2200229 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000200006024500400008026000090012052007440012965000140087365000170088765000240090465300250092865300180095365300200097165300210099165300160101270000180102877300470104618002522017-03-31 1991 bl --- 0-- u #d1 aMARTELLA, M. B. aVocalizations of the Monk Parakeet. c1991 aVocalizations and associated behaviour of the Monk Parakeet Myiopsitta monachus were recorded in the field during the breeding (summer) and non-breeding (winter) seasons. Eleven types of vocalizations, nine in adults and two in nestlings and juveniles, are described; and their functions are discussed in terms of context. Experiments with playback of the recored vocalizations showed that each of the calls acted as discrete calls eliciting specific responses from other birds. Most calls were uttered during general social interactions within the colony. This findings suggests that communication in this parrot is very important in maintaining coordination and cohesion among members of a colony that are in constant, close association. aArgentina avocalization aMyiopsitta Monachus aComportamento social aMonk parakeet aPeriquito monge aSocial behaviour aVocalizacao1 aBUCHER, E. H. tBird Behaviourgv.8, n.2, p.101-110, 1991.