01082naa a2200217 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000170006024500630007726000090014052004460014965300500059565300190064565300330066465300140069765300180071170000190072970000190074870000180076777300790078517896421996-09-05 1974 bl --- 0-- u #d1 aJONES, D. W. aFertilizer recommendations for agronomic crops in Florida. c1974 aFertilizer recommendations for P, K, Ca, and Mg on Agronomic Crops in Florida are made based on soil analyses. Soils are not routinely tested for levels of nitrogen, sulfur, and the minor elements; recommendations for these elements are made on the basis of crop production, history in the area, soil conditions that will influence the need of a crop for the element(s) in question, and/or experience with a crop under similar circumstances. aElemento secundario Fertilizer recommendation aMinor elements aRecomendacao de fertilizante aSoil test aTeste de solo1 aFREEMAN, C. E.1 aJOHNSON, J. T.1 aWHITTY, E. B. tProceedings Soil and Crop Science Society of Floridagv.33, p.43-45, 1974.