01892naa a2200205 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001902200140006010000190007424500620009326000090015550001230016452012150028765000220150270000220152470000180154670000230156470000240158777300750161116563832010-02-25 2009 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d a1982-56761 aRIBEIRO, L. R. aEarly detection of resistance to Fusarium wilt in banana. c2009 aEdição dos Resumos do XLII Congresso Brasileiro de Fitopatologia, Rio de Janeiro, ago. 2009. Suplemento. Resumo 831. aThis work aimed to establish a screening method for Fusarium wilt resistance in banana. Two types of substrates (vermiculite and washed river sand - WRS) and three inoculum sources (conidial suspension from one-week-old colonies and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc)-colonized corn meal-sand (CMS) medium) were studied by inoculation on 'Maçã' (susceptible) plantlets. Symptoms were observed in plants grown in both substrates, but highest incidence ocurred in WRS. Low infection rates were observed by using conidial suspension from PDA-grown colonies. By contrast, inoculums from stressed colonies and CMS caused consistent infection. Using WRS as substrate and inoculum from PDA-grown stressed colonies, plantlets of 'Tropical' and 'Thap Maeo' (intermediary resistance), 'Maçã' (susceptible) and 'Grand Naine' (resistant) were challenged. While the incubation period in 'Maçã' was 13 days after inoculation (dai), in 'tropical' and 'Thap Maeo' initial symptoms were observed at 17 dai. Disease progress also allowed discriminate the cultivars according to the resistance levels. Our results suggest that the procedures here described are suitable for early detection of foc resistance in banana. aDoença de Planta1 aSILVA, S. de O. e1 aAMORIM, E. P.1 aCORDEIRO, Z. J. M.1 aRODRIGUEZ, M. A. D. tTropical Plant Pathology, Brasília, DFgv. 34, ago. 2009. Suplemento.