02162naa a2200181 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000170006024501060007726000090018352015410019270000220173370000180175570000200177370000240179370000150181777301480183216548382008-03-26 2007 bl --- 0-- u #d1 aSILVA, S. R. aSanitary characterization of "quebra-galho" tahiti acid lime and selection of candidate mother trees. c2007 aIn order to sanitarily characterize the clone "quebra-galho" of the "tahiti" acid lime [Citrus latifolia (Yu. Tanaka) Tanaka] and select candidate mother trees, 80 trees were evaluated concerning tristeza, exocortis and psorosis symptoms and biological indexed for all the viruses and by RT-PCR for viroids. The nutritional status, tree size, production and fruit quality were evaluated as well. All the biological tests were positive for tristeza, but negative for cachexia. For exocortis, 82.5% for them were positive whereas for psorosis, 11.2% of the tests were positive although field trees did not present symptoms. Recarding tristeza, the reaction in 'Galego' was classified as weak (58.8%), fair (40.0%) and strong (1.2%), without stem pitting in field trees branches. Hop stunt viroid (HSVd), Citrus dwarfing viroid (CVd-III) and the Citrus exocortis viroid (CEVd) were found, respectively in 31.3%, 82.5% and 100.0% of the plants. All trees were infected with Citrus tristeza virus and CEVd, which was found isolated or in combination with other viroids. Differences observed in the expression of tristeza and exocortis symptoms in field trees can be attributed to both interferences between the viroids and the use of bud donor's trees infected by less aggressive strains for propagation. None of the trees, including candidate mother trees, selected in fuction of yield and fruit quality, showed constant association among their nutritional status, size, fruit production and quality and the type contamination by viroids.1 aMARTINS, A. B. G.1 aSTUCHI, E. S.1 aCARVALHO, S. A.1 aTARGON, M. L. P. N.1 aFRANCO, D. tIn: CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF CITRUS VIROLOGISTS, 17., 2007, Adana. Program [and] abstracts... Adana: IOCV, 2007. p. 182.