02262naa a2200145 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000180006024501270007826000090020552017740021470000260198870000180201477300840203216518342004-04-05 1998 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aCABRAL, G. B. aRelationship analysis of closely related species to cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) based on microsatellite-primed PCR. c1998 aAbstract: Cassava (Manihot esculenta ssp esculenta Crantz) origin and domestication as well as species relationships in the genus are unknown and under debate. Despite several kind of evidences, questions remain about the hypotheses of cultigen versus wild progenitor origin proposed with morphological characters. Here, we report an analysis of habitat representative land races of M. esculenta ssp esculenta Crantz and its five putative closely related species from South America, based on microsatellite-primed PCR marker. Three conceptually different analytical procedures support the same trend about species relationships. Similarity index analysis using neighbor-joining method generated a cladogram supporting the closely relationships of M. esculenta ssp flabellifolia and M. esculenta ssp esculenta followed by M. triphylla, M. esculenta ssp peruviana and most of the most distant M. pilosa.. Phylogenetic signal from this marker was revealed by the g-statistics test with skewness value of g1=-0.25 obtained with the distribution of 100,000 randomly tree-length distribution. Maximum parsimony analysis of scored amplified fragment considered as unordered discrete character showed tree topology supporting a monophyletic outgroup for M. pilosa. in relation to the other closely related species. Genetic distance estimated by nucleotide diversity generated a single tree by the neighbor-joining method, supporting the closely relationships of M. esculenta ssp flabellifolia, M. esculenta ssp esculenta, M. triphylla, and M. esculenta ssp peruviana. Genetic diversity of the sampled collection, as estimated by nucleotide diversity, indicated higher values for M. esculenta ssp flabellifolia than any other taxa analyzed including M. esculenta ssp esculenta.1 aCARVALHO, L. J. C. B.1 aSCHAAL, B. A. tRevista Brasileira de Mandioca, Salvadorgv. 17, p. 12, nov., 1998. Suplemento.