01096nam a2200157 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000150006024500400007526000270011530000080014249000370015052007090018765300230089670000190091916385452013-11-01 1980 bl uuuu u0uu1 u #d1 aRAO, M. M. aMulti-storied cropping with banana. aPanama: WINDWARDc1980 a6p. a(WINBAN. Advisory Bulletin, 18). aBanana (Musa sp) are native of south-east Asia and are widely distributed globally. They are grown in a wide variety of climates ranging from wet tropical to dry sub-tropical and from 45oN to 45oS. They grow successfully on a variety of soils provided there is good drainage. Bananas contain Vitamins (A, B1, B2 and C) and solid materials are mostly in the form of carbohydrates while fat and protein contents are low. Because of the recommended spacing and slow initial growth, bananas lend themselves to `multi-storey' cropping i.e. the planting of several crops which differ in height, root development and light requirements which allow a more efficient use of solar energy, soil nutrients and water. aBanana-armazenagem1 aEDMUNDS, J. E.