01519naa a2200217 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001902200140006010000160007424501750009026000090026552008340027465000190110865300260112765300190115370000160117270000180118870000190120670000180122577300580124316336792023-03-30 1995 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d a0002-91221 aIDSO, S. B. aEffects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment and foliar methanol application on net photosynthesis of sour orange tree (Citrus aurantium; Rutaceae)leaves.h[electronic resource] c1995 aFoliar spray applications of 40% aqueous methanol were made to sunlit leaves of sour orange trees that had growh continuosly in clear-plastic-wall open -top enclosures maintaned out-of-doors at Phoenix, Arizona, for over 5.5 years in ambient air of approximately 400 micra mol mol-1 CO2 and in air enciched with CO2 to a concentration of approximately 700 micra mol mol-1. No unambiguous effects of the methanol applications were detected in net photosynthesis measurements made on foliage in either of the two CO2 treatments. The 75% increase in CO2, however, raised the upper-limiting leaf temperature for positive net photosynthesis by approximately 7 C, wthich resulted in a 75% enhancement in net photosynthesis at a leaf temperature of 31 C, a 100% enhancement at a leaf temperature of 35 C, and a 200% enhancement at 42 C. aphotosynthesis amethanol applications aPlant material1 aIDSO, K. E.1 aGARCIA, R. L.1 aKIMBALL, B. A.1 aHOOBER, J. K. tAmerican Journal of Botanygv.82, n.1, p.26-30, 1995.