02101naa a2200289 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000230006024501000008326000090018330000200019250000180021252010970023065000250132765000230135265000350137565000200141065000130143065300200144370000180146370000190148170000170150070000180151770000130153570000200154877302430156816307562010-01-21 2009 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aSOUSA, A. C. B. de aMicrosatellite markers in molecular characterization of germplasm bank of Panicum maximum Jacq. c2009 a4 p.c1 CD-ROM. aResumo. B 02. aPanicum maximum is one of most important grass species used for animal feed in Brazil. This species is a high yielding, good nutritive quality forage adapted for medium to high fertility soil and regions with over 600 mm of rainfall (PEREIRA et al.,. 2001). It is the second most planted genus in the country, on an estimated area of 15 million ha. It is the most productive tropical forage grass propagated by seeds in the market. P. maximum has x=8 chromosomes and reproduces by apomixes. Apomictic plants are tetraploid where 2n=4x=32. Apomixis has asexual reproduction by means of seeds, and in P. maximum, it is the result of apospory followed by parthenogenesis (JANK et al., 2005; SAVIDAN et al., 1989; SAVIDAN, 2000). These forage species have been bred at Embrapa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa) Gado de Corte, the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, where the breeding programs have shown the need for genetic information. The authors report the use of 12 microsatellite loci for molecular characterization of 396 tetraploid genotypes from the Embrapa Germplam Bank. aGramínea Forrageira aMarcador Molecular aMelhoramento Genético Vegetal aPanicum Maximum aPastagem aMicrossatélite1 aCAMPOS, T. de1 aSFORÇA, D. A.1 aJUNGMANN, L.1 aZUCCHI, M. I.1 aJANK, L.1 aSOUZA, A. P. de tIn:SIMPÓSIO INTERNACIONAL SOBRE MELHORAMENTO DE FORRAGEIRAS, 2., 2009, Campo Grande, MS. [Anais]... Campo Grande, MS: Embrapa Gado de Corte, 2009. II SIMF. Comitê editorial: Liana Jank; Lucimara Chiari; Rosângela Maria Simeão Resende.