01808naa a2200205 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000260006024501100008626000090019652011060020565000080131165000250131965300260134470000300137070000210140070000280142170000280144977301250147715681952005-04-01 2001 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aCARVALHO, A. P. F. de aMedicao de cor de imagens hiperespectrais AVIRIS pelo sistema CIE (Comission Internationale d`Eclairage). c2001 aThis work was developed in order to adapt and to test the employment of the color system CIE in AVIRIS hiperspectrais images with the purpose to distinguish vegetation patterns in different substrata. It was used as test area the Niquelandia, GO image with nickel ore concentration, where the distribution and characteristic of the vegetation presents a strong geologic control. The atmospheric correction was made by the Green method. After that it was made the estimate of the values CIE (x, y, z and Y), being generated the relative images to the red, green, blue colors and brightness, respectively. Among the generated color composition (xyz and xyY), the one that uses the brightness (xyY) it allowed a better differentiation of the vegetation than it happens on the ultramafic rocks. The use of the color concept provides a reduction of the spectral space and it allows a better interactivity with the analyst due to the visual approach. The use of the color concept in the Niquelandia area allowed the differentiation of vegetation patterns in soils originated from ultramafic and mafic rocks. aCor aSensoriamento Remoto aImagem hiperespectral1 aCARVALHO JUNIOR, O. A. de1 aGUIMARAES, R. F.1 aMADEIRA NETTO, J. da S.1 aBUSTAMANTE, M. M. da C. tIn: SIMPOSIO BRASILEIRO DE SENSORIAMENTO REMOTO- SBSR, 10., 2001, Foz do Iguacu. [Anais...]. [S.l.]: SELPER: INPE, 2001?