02382naa a2200217 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000170006024500840007726000090016152017810017065000160195165000120196765000150197965000240199465300230201870000160204170000170205770000200207477300700209415309502010-07-12 2000 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aSINGH, D. K. aStudies of first lactational traits of beetal halfbred with Black Bengal goats. c2000 aThe study was conducted on first lactational records of 24½ Beetal + ½ Black Bengal goats of 37 sires to estimate variability due to season of kidding, litter size at kidding and litter weight at kidding alongwith genetic and phenotypic associations among these traits and heritability estimates. AlI goats were maintained under semi-intensive system of management i.e. 4-6 hrs. grazing with supplemental feeding of 200g concentrate mixture (73.5% TDN and 18.3% DCP) per goat per day during pregnancy and lactation period. The kids were kept with their claros during pre-weaning period except for the day of milk recording. The data were collected for first lactational traits viz. lactation yield (FLY), lactation length (FLL), weekly peak yield (WPY) and peak period (PP). The lactation yield was calculated on the basis of two days (1st and last day of a week) milk yield/week. A verage yield of two days was multiplied by 7 to calculate weekly yield and finally lactation yield. Lactation yield was calculated from third day of kidding till the goats produce 50g milk. The daily milk yield (DMY) was calculated by dividing FLY by FLL. Highest weekly yield was considered as WPY and that particular week as PP. The DP (dry period) was recorded as the difference between last dayof milk production and day of next kidding in days. The data were analysed by least squares method (Harvey, 1966) by fitting season of kidding, litter size at kidding as main effects and litter weight at kidding as co-variate in the modelo Adjusted data for significant non-genetic effects were used for estimation of genetic and phenotypic parameters according to Robertson (1959), Swiger et ai., (1964) , Panse and Sllkatme ( 1967) and Becker (1975) by paternal half-sib correlation method. aAleitamento aCaprino aLactação aReprodução Animal aRaça Black Bengal1 aSING, D. K.1 aSUNGH, N. S.1 aSINGH, C. S. P. tIndian Veterinary Medical Journalgv. 24, n. 3, p. 225-227, 2000.