01215naa a2200253 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000190006024501220007926000090020152004860021065000160069665000120071265000130072465000280073765000200076565000350078565000150082065000130083565000130084865300140086170000140087577300720088915207982023-12-07 1978 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aRATHORE, D. N. aNutrient uptake and concentration in dinanath grass and sorghum grown at different levels of nitrogen and phosphorus. c1978 aAbstract: 'PP 3' and 'PP 10' varieties of Dinanath grass (Pennisetum pedicellatum Trin.) and 'JS 20' variety of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (Linn.) Moench) were fertilized with 0,80 160 kg N/ha and 0,175.35kg P/ha. Dinanathgrass bad higher amounts of N, P and Ca, and a narrow Ca: P ratio thansorghum. 'PP 10' was most efficient in total uptake of nutrients. TheNconcentration in plants increased with the application of 160 kg N/ha,while a dilution effect was observed at 80 kg N/ha. aFertilizers aGrasses aPastures aPennisetum pedicellatum aPlant nutrition aSorghum bicolor subsp. bicolor aAdubação aFósforo aPastagem aNitogenio1 aKUMAR, V. tIndian Journal Agricultural Sciencegv. 48, n. 9, p. 546-550, 1978.