00924naa a2200229 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000190006024501120007926000090019152002860020065000160048665000150050265000160051765300200053370000200055370000200057370000160059370000180060970000140062777300530064115177962014-01-06 1997 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aGATENBY, R. M. aComparison of sumatra sheep and three hair sheep crossbred. I.Growth, mortality and wool cover of F1 lambs. c1997 aThe objective of this experiment was to compare the performance of Sumatra sheep with that of their crosses with three breeds of hair sheep in a humid tropical production system. In this paper we present the results of the first phase, namely lamb growth, mortality and wool cover. aCrescimento aCruzamento aPerformance aOvino deslanado1 aBRADFORD, G. E.1 aDOLOKSARIBU, M.1 aROMJALI, E.1 aPITONO, A. D.1 aSAKUL, H. tSmall Ruminant Researchgv.25, n.1, p.1-7, 1997.