01013nam a2200181 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000170006024500480007726000350012530000110016052005750017165000110074665000230075765300190078065300100079970000220080915068242024-09-20 1967 bl uuuu 00u1 u #d1 aGREEN, D. E. aMolecular insights into the living process. aNew York: Academic Pressc1967 a420 p. aThe biochemical approach to the study of life; Atoms and molecules of the cell; Macromolecules; Enzymes; Enzymes, trace substances, and coenzymes; Bioenergetics; Energy yielding biochemical processes; Energy requiring synthetic processes; Energy transductions and biochemical machines; The membranes of the cell; DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis; Control mechanisms for regulation of living systems; Biochemistry and disease; Drugs and poisons; Biochemical universals; Biochemical universals in relation to evolution; Some aspects of the strategy of biochemical research. aÁtomo aBiologia Molecular aBioenergética aDroga1 aGOLDBERGER, R. F.