01184naa a2200253 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000190006024501710007926000090025052003830025965000140064270000190065670000220067570000210069770000190071870000170073770000200075470000200077470000140079470000160080870000160082477300900084014903492018-05-25 2006 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aDORELLA, F. A. aIn vivo insertional mutagenesis in Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosisban efficient means to identify DNA sequences encoding exported proteins.h[electronic resource] c2006 aThe reporter transposon-based system TnFuZ was used to identify exported proteins of the animal pathogen Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis. Thirty-four out of 1,500 mutants had detectable alkaline phosphatase (PhoZ) activity. This activity was from 21 C. pseudotuberculosis loci that code for fimbrial and transport subunits, and for hypothetical and unknown function proteins. aGenética1 aESTEVAM, E. M.1 aPACHECO, L. G. C.1 aGUIMARAES, C. T.1 aLANA, U. G. P.1 aGOMES, E. A.1 aBARSANTE, M. M.1 aOLIVEIRA, S. C.1 aMEYER, R.1 aMIYOSHI, A.1 aAZEVEDO, V. tApplied and Environmental Microbiology, Washingtongv. 72, n. 11, p. 7368-7372, 2006.