02633naa a2200193 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000180006024501100007826000090018830000120019749000370020950001800024652017070042670000200213370000180215370000220217177302460219314668442007-07-27 2004 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aGIANLUPPI, V. aPromising soybean inbred lines in dark red latosols on savannas of Roraima, during planting year of 2002. c2004 ap. 312. a(Embrapa Soja. Documentos, 228). aEditado por Flávio Moscardi, Clara Beatriz Hoffmann-Campo, Odilon Ferreira Saraiva, Paulo Roberto Galerani, Francisco Carlos Krzyzanowski, Mercedes Concordia Carrão-Panizzi. aSoybean crop at the savanna ecosystem ("lavrados") of Roraima is expanding markedly due to arrival of farmers coming from western-center Brazil, seeking for new agricultural frontiers. Roraima detains around 1.500.000 ha of land as savanna, with topography and vegetation characteristics favorable to complete mechanization of the productive process. In a general way, these areas are flat or showing small declivity and its soils present low natural fertility. Twenty four soybean inbred lines have been assessed in trials carried out at Embrapa Roraima´s experimental field, which originated from selections carried out in three populations conducted by Bulk method, deriving from Embrapa Soja´s Breeding Program. The trial was installed in October, 2002, with supplementary irrigation for the period to harvest. The experimental design was completely randomized blocks with four replicates, BRS Sambaiba as the local cultivar. Each plot consisted of four rows 5 m long, 0,45 m apart one from the other. The fertilization consisted of 450 kg.ha-1 of 02-20-20 (NPK), applied in the sowing row. The seeds were treated with fungicides, inoculated with Bradyrhizobium japonicum and sowed immediately. Agronomic characteristics were assessed as follows: number of days from emergency to flowering and maturation, plant height, first pod insertion height, plant population and grain yield. Three inbred lines - RR02-15, RR02-23 e RR02-04 - presented high productivity, superior than the performance of BRS Sambaiba which produced 4.077kg.ha-1. RR02-15 was the most productive, with production of 4.707kg ha-1 (78,4 sc.ha-1). Seventeen inbred lines showed productive performance similar to local cultivar.1 aSMIDERLE, O. J.1 aGIANLUPPI, D.1 aALMEIDA, L. A. de tIn: WORLD SOYBEAN RESEARCH CONFERENCE, 7.; INTERNATIONAL SOYBEAN PROCESSING AND UTILIZATION CONFERENCE, 4.; CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE SOJA, 3., 2004, Foz do Iguassu. Abstracts of contributed papers and posters. Londrina: Embrapa Soybean, 2004.