03210naa a2200181 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000230006024501060008326000090018930000120019849000370021050001800024752023150042770000200274270000200276277302460278214668052007-07-27 2004 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aSOSA-GÓMEZ, D. R. aGenetic variability and gene flow among Nezara viridula (L.) (HeteropterabPentatomidae) populations. c2004 ap. 219. a(Embrapa Soja. Documentos, 228). aEditado por Flávio Moscardi, Clara Beatriz Hoffmann-Campo, Odilon Ferreira Saraiva, Paulo Roberto Galerani, Francisco Carlos Krzyzanowski, Mercedes Concordia Carrão-Panizzi. aThe Southern Green Stinkbug (SGSB), Nezara viridula, is a cosmopolitan pest very important economically in several crops (soybean, peas, cucumber, lettuce, tobacco, etc) due to polyphagous behavior and potential to cause damage. Their populations are widely distributed in areas where soybean is cultivated. Studies on SGSB migration have been neglected and little is known about gene flow among stinkbug populations. We studied the intraspecific variation of geographically distinct SGSB populations to assess the variability of geographical populations from Brazil and to determine gene flow among them. Samples of SGSB were obtained from Planaltina (DF), Platina (SP), Sertanópolis, Warta (Londrina), Cambé, Curitiba, Palmital (PR), Chapecó (SC), Passo Fundo and from Cruz Alta (RS), Brazil. Specimens were collected from soybean fields and DNA extracted individually based on CTAB protocol. DNA samples were subjected to PCR-RAPD analysis and the genetic similarity matrix based on RAPD allele frequencies was obtained using Nei's (1972) genetic distance, in the NTSYS-pc software. The maximum level of similarity obtained occurred between individuals from Warta and from Sertanópolis. The SGSB population from Cruz Alta and Passo Fundo were entirely different from the remaining populations. There were no genotypic similarities (RAPD profile) similarities among individuals from different geographically regions. The highest similarity among individuals were observed inside Curitiba population and the highest dissimilarity was found in Cruz Alta stinkbugs. Adults collected from Planaltina clustered in 2 groups, one of them (females) was linked to Platina populations, and the other (males) to Palmital population (males and females). Interestingly, despite the short distance between Cambé and Warta (ca. 20 km), both populations clustered in different groups and the estimated gene flow index (Nm) among them was equal to 2.02, indicating that migration is restricted, even among the closest populations. The estimated overall index of gene flow was (Nm) equal to 1.41. Therefore, the possibilities to develop resistance to insecticides in local populations is higher than species showing a higher Nm, but by other hand, possibilities of resistance development is lower at metapopulation level.1 aSILVA, J. J. da1 aMARIN, S. R. R. tIn: WORLD SOYBEAN RESEARCH CONFERENCE, 7.; INTERNATIONAL SOYBEAN PROCESSING AND UTILIZATION CONFERENCE, 4.; CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE SOJA, 3., 2004, Foz do Iguassu. Abstracts of contributed papers and posters. Londrina: Embrapa Soybean, 2004.