02386naa a2200181 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000170006024500790007726000090015630000160016549000370018150001800021852015270039870000170192570000160194277302460195814667702007-07-27 2004 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aMEYER, M. C. aEffect of fungicides on Rhizoctonia Foliar Blight and soybean seed health. c2004 ap. 157-158. a(Embrapa Soja. Documentos, 228). aEditado por Flávio Moscardi, Clara Beatriz Hoffmann-Campo, Odilon Ferreira Saraiva, Paulo Roberto Galerani, Francisco Carlos Krzyzanowski, Mercedes Concordia Carrão-Panizzi. aThe occurrence of the Rhizoctonia Foliar Blight (RFB) of soybeans, caused by Rhizoctonia solani AG1-IA, raises the yield reductions in tropical regions. The fungicides based on strobilurines and triazoles best controlled the disease under greenhouse conditions. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of several fungicides groups on the control of RFB, in Maranhão field conditions, as well as its impact on seed health. The fungicides were applied using a backpack sprayer pressurized with CO2, when the plants showed 10% of infected leaf area that occurred at R3 stage. Disease severity was evaluated using a scale of notes (0 to 11), when the plants reached the R5.5 stage. Grain weight and seeds health were evaluated in the laboratory. The treatments using Pyraclostrobin + Epoxiconazole (3.0), Azoxystrobin + Difenoconazole (3.5) and Azoxystrobin (3.75) presented best control of the RFB, as compared to the check treatment (7.25). The plants treated with Pyraclostrobin + Epoxiconazole, also showed the highest yield, with an increase of 38.4% related to the untreated plots. All treatments with strobilurines and triazoles, only or mixed, were higher than benzimidazoles. Seed health test showed incidence of Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus sp., Fusarium sp., Cercospora sojinae, Cercospora kikuchii, Phomopsis sp., Colletotrichum sp., Rhizopus sp., Penicillium sp. and bacteria on all treatments, without differences among them and the occurrence of storage fungi predominated upon seed pathogens.1 aSILVA, J. C.1 aMAIA, G. L. tIn: WORLD SOYBEAN RESEARCH CONFERENCE, 7.; INTERNATIONAL SOYBEAN PROCESSING AND UTILIZATION CONFERENCE, 4.; CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE SOJA, 3., 2004, Foz do Iguassu. Abstracts of contributed papers and posters. Londrina: Embrapa Soybean, 2004.