01335nam a2200265 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000230006024500280008326000420011130000100015352006960016365000120085965000140087165000150088565000150090065300120091565300230092765300200095065300170097065300270098765300110101465300260102570000180105110457392001-08-24 1997 bl uuuu 00u1 u #d1 aLAWRENCE, T. L. J. aGrowth of farm animals. aWallingford : CAB Internationalc1997 a330p. aGeneral aspects of growth; Cells structire; Chemical composition cells; Protein synthesis and the genetic code; Mitosis; Cellular proliferation; Cellhyperplasisa and hypertrophy; Tissues; Hormonal, genetic and immunological influences on growth; The immune system; Gametes, fertilization and embryonic growth; Meiosis; gametes and fertilization; Embryonic development; The uterus, the plancenta and embryonic attachment; Prenatal and postnatal growth; Efficiency and growth; Efficiency, slaughter weight and marketing; Compensatory growth; Growth and puberty in breeding animals; Measuring growth; The future demand for meat and meat products; The future possibilities for technical advance. aanimals alivestock aphysiology aFisiologia aAnimais aAnimais domesticos aDesenvolvimento aFarm animals aFisiologia veterinaria aGrowth aVeterinary physiology1 aFOWLER, V. R.