01112naa a2200145 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000230006024500930008326000090017630000150018552006340020070000160083477301160085010043592007-08-15 1997 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aOLIVEIRA, P. C. de aMobile agent-based systemsban alternative paradigm for distributed systems development. c1997 ap. 508-516 aAgent-based systems (ABS) constitute an alternative to distributed systems development. The terms agent and agent-based system, although widely used, to do not have yet a consensus definition. This paper presents concepts and a set of characteristics concerning agenthood. Mobility, in addition to the fundamental characteristcs of agenthood, makes mobile agent-based systems (MABS) a unique approach to distributed systems development. Issues regarding frameworks that support mobile agent-bases systems are also addressed in this paper. Finally, a set of existing frameworks is a assessed based on some of the addressed issues.1 aCARDOZO, E. tIn: SIMPOSIO BRASILEIRO DE REDES DE COMPUTADORES, 15., 1997, Sao Carlos. Anais... Sao Carlos: SBC : LARC, 1997.