01521naa a2200193 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000160006024501690007626000090024552008910025465000150114565300300116065300290119070000180121970000250123770000210126277300440128314280402015-02-24 2009 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aLIEBSCH, D. aLevantamento florístico e síndromes de dispersão em remanescentes de Floresta Ombrófila Mista na região centro-sul do estado do Paraná.h[electronic resource] c2009 a(Floristic survey and dispersal syndromes in Araucaria Forest remnants of Parana state, Brazil). This study presents a list of plants found in three areas of Araucaria Forest along with their dispersal syndromes. We sampled monthly (August 2003 to December 2005) fi ve transects with 5 km each, collecting samples of fl owering and fruiting plants. We identifi ed 210 species, including 83 trees, 58 shrubs, 36 herbs, 23 vines, eight epiphytes and two parasites. Most species were zoochorous (68.6%), followed by anemochorous (21.9%) and autochorous (6.7%) ones. Comparisons with other fl orist surveys previously conducted in this forest type suggested that our study areas are poor, both when all species are taken into account or when just trees are. The results are discussed based on the history of degradation of the study region and on the abundance of bamboos in the understory. aDispersão aFloresta Ombrófila Mista aLevantamento florístico1 aMIKICH, S. B.1 aPOSSETE, R. F. da S.1 aRIBAS, O. dos S. tHoehneagv. 36, n. 2, p. 233-248, 2009.