01787naa a2200193 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001902200140006010000170007424500390009126000090013052013380013965000210147765000100149865000220150865300100153070000150154077300380155513547071998-09-10 1997 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d a0248-12941 aROJAS, G. G. aGrowth of the yellow passion fruit c1997 aThe short period of storage of the yellow passion fruit, a climacteric fruits, is a limiting factor for its commercialization. In order to harvest mature but not ripe fruits and, thus extend the conservation time, research has been aimed at characterizing developmental stages of the fruit and find indexes to apply to harvest time. Materiais and Me-thods. Fruits of known age, obtained after identification of flowers at anthesis,were collected up to 70 d after anthesis. Fruit volume, weight of fresh and dry matter, rind thickness and equatorial diameter ofthe ovary cavity, juice and residue(seeds plus mucilage) percentages were evaluated.Results and discussion.Based on the weight of fresh and dry matter and volume data, the fruit growth followed a single sigmoiepattern. Fruit development was characterize by three distinct phases:fast fruit growth up to 25 d after anthesis when fruit reached its maximum fresh weight and volume; accumulation of fruit assimilates, between 25 and 50 d from ovule fecundation;physiological maturity of the fruit, at about 50 d after anthesis. Conclusion. Yellow passion fruits age was demonstrated to be a good index for the developmental stage for all variables evaluated. It can be used to choose the most suitable harvest stage for ensuring a long potential conservation of these products. aplant physiology aFruta aPassiflora Edulis aFruit1 aMEDINA, M. tFruitsgv.52, n.2, p.19-26, 1997.