00892naa a2200265 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001902400410006010000200010124501790012126000090030065000210030965000220033065000200035265000190037265000120039165000190040365000180042265300240044065300240046470000210048870000280050970000170053777300720055413382042020-07-07 2003 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d7 ahttps://doi.org/10.1071/SR020372DOI1 aLEITE, L. F. C. aTotal C and N storage and organic C pools of a Red-Yellow Podzolic under conventional and no tillage at the Atlantic Forest Zone, south-eastern Brazil.h[electronic resource] c2003 aHumic substances aMicrobial biomass aSoil management aTropical soils aCarbono aManejo do Solo aSolo Tropical aBiomassa microbiana aSubstância húmica1 aMENDONÇA, E. S.1 aMACHADO, P. L. O. de A.1 aMATOS, E. S. tAustralian Journal of Soil Researchgv. 41, n. 4, p. 717-730, 2003.