00968naa a2200241 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000180006024500800007826000090015852003020016765300070046965300310047665300080050765300080051570000200052370000200054370000150056370000200057870000190059870000150061777300940063210294502006-02-02 2005 bl --- 0-- u #d1 aVAZ, C. M. P. aValidation of the Arya and Paris water retention model for Brazilian Soils. c2005 aThe Arya and Paris (AP) model predicts soil water retention curves from soil particle-size distribution (PSD) data based on the similarity between these two functions. The AP model estimates pore radius (ri) from the radius (Ri) of spherical particles by scaling pore length with a parameter alfa. aAP aParticle-size distribution aPSD aPTF1 aIOSSI, M. de F.1 aNAIME, J. de M.1 aMACEDO, A.1 aREICHERT, J. M.1 aREINERT, D. J.1 aCOOPER, M. tSoil Science Society of America Journal, Madisongv. 69, n. 3, p. 577-583, may-june 2005.