01127naa a2200133 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001902200140006010000200007424500320009426000090012652007660013577300920090112816662006-06-09 1949 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d a0365-06261 aCOSTA, J. R. da aA quineira e a sua cultura. c1949 aNative of South America where it still occurs in its original state, the quinine tree is found scattered over the lower slopes of the Andes from southern Bolivia do northern Venezuela, as well as in Peru, Ecuador and Colombia. This range is limited by certain factors, notably altitude, which varies between 900 and 2500 metres. It is said that Europeans knew of the anti-febrile qualities of the plant as early as 1636. The first description of the tree was made by La Condamine in 1737. Based on this description Linneus established in 1742 the genus Chinchona which, by a commonly accepted mistake, became Cinchona. The appearance of the species Cinchona Ledgeriana and C. succirubra marked the beginning of cultivation of the quinine tree on an economic ... tAnuario Brasileiro de Economia Florestal, Rio de Janeirogv. 2, n. 2, p. 374-385, 1949.