02369nam a2200445 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001902000180006010000170007824500470009526000660014230000160020852012140022465000180143865000120145665000170146865000220148565000100150765000170151765000130153465000180154765000220156565000240158765000240161165000130163565300210164865300180166965300200168765300200170765300130172765300240174065300160176465300200178065300130180065300230181365300240183665300230186065300200188370000200190312535502007-01-15 2005 bl uuuu 00u1 u #d a85-87827-12-X1 aMOUTINHO, P. aTropical deforestation and climate change. aBelém, PA: IPAM; Washington, DC: Environmental Defensec2005 a131 p.cil. aTropical deforestation, fires and emissions: measurement and monitoring. Tropical deforestation as a source of greenhouse gas emissions. Carbon emissions associated with forest fires in Brazil. Monitoring tropical deforestation for emerging carbon markets. How to reduce deforestation emissions for carbon credit: compensated reduction. Tropical deforestation and the Kyoto Protocol: an editorial essay. Should we include avoidance of deforestation in the international response to climate change?. Reducing emissions from tropical forest deforestation: applying compensated reduction in Ghana. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from tropical deforestation by applying compensated reduction to Bolivia. Considerations for choosing an emission target for compensated reductions. Carbon offsets and land use in the Brazilian Amazon. Policy and legal frameworks for reducing deforestation emissions. Tropical deforestation in the context of the post-2012 Climate Change Regime. Privately-owned forests and deforestation reduction: an overview of policy and legal issues. Rewarding reductions, realizing results: legal options for making compensated reduction a reality. National compacts to reduce deforestation. adeforestation aecology aforest fires agreenhouse effect aClima aDesmatamento aEcologia aEfeito Estufa aFloresta Tropical aIncêndio Florestal aMudança Climática aQueimada aCarbon emissions aClima changes aClimate changes aDeflorestamento aEmissão aEmissão de carbono aFores fires aGás carbônico aMudança aProtocolo de Kyoto aProtocolo de Quioto aProtocolo de Quito aTropical forest1 aSCHWARTZMAN, S.