01475naa a2200205 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000240006024500790008426000090016330000160017250000960018852007280028465000210101265300280103365300260106165300260108770000220111377301340113510023542012-07-19 1993 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aRODRIGUES, M. A. F. aANIMADObum protótipo de um sistema de animação modelada por dinâmica. c1993 ap. 107-115. aEvento conhecido como SIBGRAPI. Editado por Luiz H. de Figueiredo e Jonas de Miranda Gomes. aThe aim of this work is to present the ANIMADO, a first example of using Dynamic Simulation in the Computer Animation field, a research branch area of the group ProSIm, in the DCA at UNICAMP. Generally speaking, the ANIMADO is divided into five totally independent, though strongly inter-relationed modules: the EGESP, a module that solves Systems of Linear Equations by standard Gauss-Jordan elimination with maximal pivoting, the FRED, a module that contains a 4th variant Runge-Kutta Numerical Integration Method, the COLISÃO, a module to Detect and Response collisions, the CONTROLE, a module to control the animation, and the INTEREXPSERV, an interpreter of expressions based in the client-server model using sockets. aComputer science aComputação de imagens aSimulação dinâmica aSistema de animação1 aMAGALHÃES, L. P. tIn: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE COMPUTAÇÃO GRÁFICA E PROCESSAMENTO DE IMAGENS, 6., 1993, Recife. Anais... Recife: SBC: UFPe, 1993.