01389nam a2200265 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001902000180006010000220007824501040010026001310020430000160033552006010035165000100095265000120096265000170097465000130099165000150100465300110101965300160103065300130104670000210105970000230108070000200110311977402023-06-07 1986 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d a971-104-150-21 aDALL'ACQUA, F. M. aAdaptive research, preproduction testing, and production programs in Brazil.h[electronic resource] aIn: INTERNATIONAL UPLAND RICE CONFERENCE, 2., 1985, Jakarta. Progress in upland rice research: proceedings. Manila: IRRIc1986 ap. 523-529. aThe Brazilian agricultural research system was developed under the influence of the diffusion model imported from the more developed countries (5). The model implies a freedom of choice in research projects so that scarce resources can be allocated to a broad range of research topics depending on the investigator's decision. The tendency to develop research activities oriented toward solving real problems was supposed to result from pressure by farmers on government research agencies. Extension services were seen as the means of bridging the gap between research agencies and farmer fields. aArroz aCerrado aOryza Sativa aPesquisa aProdução aBrasil aExperimento aPrograma1 aMORAIS, O. P. de1 aOLIVEIRA, E. T. de1 aKLUTHCOUSKI, J.