00765naa a2200241 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000220006024501140008226000090019650000420020565300270024765300240027465300160029865300130031470000210032770000200034870000220036870000190039070000240040970000230043377300670045611882702024-07-10 2005 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aRIBEIRO, E. de O. aA distributed computation of Interpro pfam, PROSITE and ProDom for protein annotation.h[electronic resource] c2005 aBIOFOCO Network, autor institucional. aBiologia computacional aDistributed systems aFerramentas aInterpro1 aZERLOTINI, G. G.1 aLOPES, I. R. M.1 aRIBEIRO, V. B. R.1 aMELO, A. C. M.1 aWALTER, M. E. M. T.1 aCOSTA, M. M. do C. tGenetics and Molecular Researchgv. 4, n. 3, p. 590-598, 2005.