02521naa a2200385 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000170006024501210007726000090019850001020020752014150030965000130172465000130173765000110175065000170176165000120177865000160179065000110180665300150181765300120183265300150184465300100185970000250186970000220189470000220191670000240193870000220196270000140198470000170199870000180201570000220203370000220205577300580207711560402024-07-17 2005 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aALVES, R. E. aPostharvest use of 1-MCP to extend storage life of melon in Brazil - current research status.h[electronic resource] c2005 aEdição de Proceedings of the 5th International Postharvest Symposium, Verona, Italy, June 2004. aEfficiency of 1-MCP on postharvest life whole and fresh-cut cantaloupe melons was evaluated. Melons were treated with doses varying from 0 to 900 nl.L-1 in order to define the best concentration of 1-MCP. Flesh softening was the main characteristic affected in all experiments and softening delay was according to the dose, although differences between doses above 300 nl.L-1 were not significant. Respiration and ethylene evolution rates were reduced and both CO2 and ethylene peaks were delayed in trials with whole melons. 1-MCP doubled postharvest life of cantaloupe melons at ambient temperature (from 1 to 2 weeks). Treated melons were acceptable for 27 days, whereas control fruit could be stored for no longer than 7 days. Although shelf life of fresh-cut cantaloupe melons defined by firmness and appearance was approximately 20 days for all treatments, food safety aspects limited it to 12 days.Treated ' Galia' melons were firmer than the control fruit for up to 30 days, despite the storage atmosphere, and fruit were acceptable for up to 27 days. Postharvest life of 'Charantais melons stored for 15 days at room temperature ( ) and submitted to postharvest treatment with different concentrations of 1-MCP maintained better overall external appearance than the control. 1-MCP postharvest treatment on 'Orange Flesh' melons delayed fruit ripening and controlled decay (F. pallidoroseum) incidence. aEthylene aFirmness aMelons aCucumis Melo aEtileno aMaturação aMelão aCantaloupe aFirmeza aMaturation aMelon1 aFILGUEIRAS, H. A. C.1 aALMEIDA, A. S. de1 aMACHADO, F. L. C.1 aBASTOS, M. do S. R.1 aLIMA, M. A. C. de1 aTERAO, D.1 aSILVA, E. O.1 aSANTOS, E. C.1 aPEREIRA, M. E. C.1 aMIRANDA, M. R. A. tActa Horticulturaegv. 3, n. 682, p. 2233-2237, 2005.