01609naa a2200229 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000180006024501530007826000090023152009360024065000240117665000220120070000170122270000140123970000140125370000180126770000160128570000160130170000150131777300470133210155742016-11-22 2008 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aMARCELINO, J. aColletotrichum acutatum var. fioriniae (teleomorphbGlomerella acutata var. fioriniae var. nov.) infection of a scale insect.h[electronic resource] c2008 aAn epizootic has been reported in Fiorinia externa populations in New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Infected insects have profuse sclerotial masses enclosing their bodies. The most commonly isolated microorganism from infected F. externa was Colletotrichum sp. A morphological and molecular characterization of this fungus indicated that it is closely related to phytopathogenic C. acutatum isolates. Isolates of Colletotrichum sp. from F. externa in areas of the epizootic were similar genetically and were named Colletotrichum acutatum var. fioriniae var. nov. based on our findings. In vitro and in planta mating observed between isolates of C. acutatum var. fioriniae could serve as a possible source of genetic variation and might give rise to new biotypes with a propensity to infect insects. Only one other strain, C. gloeosporioides f. sp. ortheziidae, has been reported to show entomopathogenic activity. aControle biológico aFungo Entomógeno1 aGIORDANO, R.1 aGOULI, S.1 aGOULI, V.1 aPARKER, B. L.1 aSKINNER, M.1 aTEBEEST, D.1 aCESNIK, R. tMycologiagv. 100, n. 3, p. 353-374, 2008.