03192naa a2200169 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000210006024500430008126000090012430000080013352025720014165000230271365000210273665300210275777302440277810127792015-08-28 1998 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aFERRAZ, J. M. G. aSustainability and land reform policy. c1998 anp. aThe term sustentabilidade comes in the literature with an enormous range of definitions and concepts. The term ecodevelopment, adopted initialy was later modified for maintainable development. In the middle of eighties, the sustentabilidade notion settles down as a new paradigm of the modern society and it starts to concentrate the interface production environment foods it sets. The sustentabilidade concept and maintainable development, susceptible of so much interpretations is not operational, and to penetrate in its discussion, its enters him in the political ideological field, even if based on a scientific reflection. The family agriculture, base of agrarian reform, it should be tought inside of an ecodevelopment concept, unlike the one that many economists, so much of the left as of the right, they try to place as unviable inside of the agribusiness process and globalization, it presents a series of advantages, that turns it viable. But the access the earth until today, it has been used more to assist social and political pressures, frequently explosive than to obtain a durable rural development, seeking the sustentabilidade in its social and ecological economic aspects, that would result in general in better conditions of quality of life of the population and for the seated population. The agricultural exploration model adopted by those seated, tends to reproduce the agricultural model of the green revolution, highly dependent of external input and extremely degrading of the environment. To turn viable the insert of the family agriculture in the economic model is necessary that exists an agricultural politics that allows to the family farmer that stops being a mere matter vendor it excels and start to join value to its products. The adopted production system, it should be the less possible dependent of external input, and appointed to the agroecology concepts. This way, the concern not this in to maximize the production of an activity in particular, but yes with the otimization of the agroecossistema. The form of approach of the environmental impacts tends as cutting the watershed has been bringing a new conception of understandings of the human activities and its correlations with the atmosphere being an interesting approach to drift and to evaluate the existent establishments and to plan the implant of new. In a country of continental dimensions and with the geographical diversity of Brazil, the agrarian reform cannot be executed in an uniform way, should be respected the environmental and cultural characteristics. aPolítica agrária aReforma agrária aSustentabilidade tIn: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE IN TROPICAL AND SUBTROPICAL HIGHLANDS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO LATIN AMERICA, 1998, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Abstracts. Rio de Janeiro: INT / EMBRAPA-CNPS / University of Karlsruhe, 1998.