02340naa a2200289 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000270006024501210008726000090020850001370021752013410035465000170169565000120171265300190172465300250174365300230176865300270179165300320181865300220185065300090187265300200188170000170190170000170191870000230193577300920195811221622019-08-02 2008 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aCARRÃO-PANIZZI, M. C. aGenetic variation and environmental effects on beta-conglycinin and glycinin content in Brazilian soybean cultivars. c2008 aTítulo em português: Variação genética e ambiental e teores de beta?conglicinina e glicinina em cultivares de soja brasileiras. aThe objective of this work was to determine genetic and environmental effects on beta-conglycinin and glycinin content in Brazilian soybean cultivars. The concentrations of these protein fractions were analyzed by scanning densitometry after electrophoresis, in 90 Brazilian soybean cultivars sown in Ponta Grossa, PR, in 2001. The effects of the sowing location were determined in the cultivar MG/BR 46 (Conquista), sown in 16 locations of Goiás and Minas Gerais states (Central Brazil), and in the cultivar IAS 5, sown in 12 locations of Paraná and São Paulo states (Southern Brazil), in 2002 soybean season. A significant variability for beta-conglycinin (7S) and glycinin (11S) protein fractions ratio was observed among the 90 Brazilian soybean cultivars. 'MS/BRS 169' (Bacuri) and 'BR-8' (Pelotas) presented the highest and the lowest 11S/7S ratios (2.76 and 1.17, respectively). Beta-conglycinin protein fractions presented more variability than glycinin protein fractions. Grouping test classified 7S proteins in seven groups, 11S proteins in four groups, and protein fraction ratios (11S/7S) in nine groups. Significant effect of sowing locations was also observed on protein fractions contents. There is a good possibility of breeding for individual protein fractions, and their subunits, without affecting protein content. aEletroforese aSemente aeletrophoresis afrações protéicas alocal de semeadura anutraceutic properties apropriedades nutracêuticas aprotein fractions aseed asowing location1 aKWANYUEN, P.1 aERHAN, S. Z.1 aLOPES, I. de O. N. tPesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, Brasília, DFgv. 43, n. 9, p. 1105-1114, set. 2008.