01138nam a2200229 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001902000220006010000230008224501300010526001310023530000160036652003230038265000180070565000260072365300330074965300210078270000220080370000230082570000220084870000380087021604872024-01-05 2023 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d a978-65-89159-04-91 aSILVA, M. A. S. da aSaptiotemporal dynamics of agricultural production diversity in Sergipe and Alagoas between 1999-2018.h[electronic resource] aIn: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE SENSORIAMENTO REMOTO, 20. (SBSR), 2023, Florianópolis. Anais... São José dos Campos: INPEc2023 ap. e156476. aThis work aims to investigate this agricultural diversity in the states of Alagoas and Sergipe, Brazil, by generating agricultural diversity surfaces for these indices proposed by [3]. A more precise description of this region’s spatiotemporal diversity dynamics should support a more effective public policy design. aPublic policy aSocial sustainability aLow São Francisco watershed aOrdinary kriging1 aFABIO R. DE MOURA1 aDOMPIERI, M. H. G.1 aLEONARDO N. MATOS1 aFLAVIO EMANUEL DE OLIVEIRA SANTOS