01656nam a2200205 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000330006024501500009326001540024350000560039752008760045365000120132965000190134165300090136070000180136970000240138770000210141170000180143221600922023-12-20 2023 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d1 aPESSOA FILHO, M. A. C. de P. aA draft genome assembly of the baru tree (Dipteryx alata vogel) as a resource for domestication, breding ans conservation.h[electronic resource] aIn: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE MELHORAMENTO DE PLANTAS, 12., 2023, Caxambu, MG. Anais. Piracicaba: Sociedade Brasileira de Melhoramento de Plantasc2023 aResumo 667217. Na publicação: Marco Pessoa Filho. aBaru seed production is mostly based on extractivism, which, in addition to habitat loss, led to its inclusion in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Genomic resources and propagation methods will support a program for baru domestication and breeding, so that commercial production systems are established and impacts of extractivism on natural populations are reduced. We present a draft genome assembly of the D. alata, based on third-generation PacBio CCS HiFi reads. High molecular weight DNA was extracted from young leaves of a single diploid individual. Sequencing was performed on a Sequel II system at Maryland Genomics, using one SMRT cell 8M on CCS HiFi mode, with a 30-hour runtime. Approximately 16 Gb were obtained in 1,4 million CCS reads, with an average size of 11kbp. The partially phased draft assembly was obtained with Hifiasm in HiFi-only mode. aCerrado aDipteryx Alata aBaru1 aSOARES, T. N.1 aTELLES, M. P. de C.1 aCOELHO, A. S. G.1 aCHAVES, L. J.