02309naa a2200313 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001902400550006010000190011524501260013426000090026052013730026965000170164265000260165965000330168565300230171870000170174170000180175870000190177670000230179570000240181870000180184270000230186070000150188370000170189870000200191570000220193577300380195721569492023-10-25 2023 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d7 ahttps://doi.org/10.3390/pharmaceutics150923522DOI1 aCARDOSO, S. L. aL-Asparaginase type II from Fusarium proliferatumbheterologous expression and in silico analysis.h[electronic resource] c2023 aThe search for new drug-producing microorganisms is one of the most promising situations in current world scientific scenarios. The use of molecular biology as well as the cloning of protein and compound genes is already well established as the gold standard method of increasing productivity. Aiming at this increase in productivity, this work aims at the cloning, purification and in silico analysis of L-asparaginase from Fusarium proliferatum in Komagataella phaffii (Pichia pastoris) protein expression systems. The L-asparaginase gene (NCBI OQ439985) has been cloned into Pichia pastoris strains. Enzyme production was analyzed via the quantification of aspartic B-hydroxamate, followed by purification on a DEAE FF ion exchange column. The in silico analysis was proposed based on the combined use of various technological tools. The enzymatic activity found intracellularly was 2.84 IU/g. A purification factor of 1.18 was observed. The in silico analysis revealed the position of five important amino acid residues for enzymatic activity, and likewise, it was possible to predict a monomeric structure with a C-score of 1.59. The production of the enzyme L-asparaginase from F. proliferatum in P. pastoris was demonstrated in this work, being of great importance for the analysis of new methodologies in search of the production of important drugs in therapy. aAsparaginase aFusarium proliferatum aHeterologous gene expression aIn silico analysis1 aSOUZA, P. M.1 aRODRIGUES, K.1 aMOTA, I. de S.1 aFERREIRA FILHO, E.1 aFAVARO, L. C. de L.1 aARAUJO, F. S.1 aHOMEM-DE-MELLO, M.1 aPESSOA, A.1 aSILVEIRA, D.1 aBAZZO, Y. M. F.1 aMAGALHÃES, P. O. tPharmaceuticsgv. 15, 2352, 2023.