02360naa a2200289 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001902000220006002400540008210000220013624500890015826000090024749000320025652013310028865000300161965000260164965000370167565000330171265000170174565000220176265000180178465000230180265300110182565300210183670000220185777301910187921542612023-06-12 2023 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d a978-3-031-29853-07 ahttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-29853-0_122DOI1 aNAVARRO, Z. S. de aThe (un)feasibility of inclusive rural development in Brazil.h[electronic resource] c2023 a(Environment & Policy, 64). aAbstract: This chapter extracts the main lessons about the process of contemporary agrarian development in Brazil. In the 1970s, a strong state-supported modernization was launched, leading to the emergence of an economy moved almost exclusively by productivity and proft-seeking. The Brazilian agricultural sector is now considered as one of the most successful global agro-food producers. The chapter comments on two related topics. The frst highlights the diffculties to overcome the dichotomy of ?agricultural production? versus ?the environment.? Widespread deforestation, for example, continues to take place, especially in vulnerable biomes such as the savanna-type Cerrado and the Amazon. Still, and more problematic, a good proportion of this environmental impact is protected by law, and one cannot envisage a political decision aimed at stopping deforestation in those regions. The second objective concerns the (un)feasibility of attempts (concrete or discursive) to implement projects of ?inclusive rural development? in the country. Many reasons sustain this proposition, but perhaps the main one is the actual vanishing of the old ?agrarian question.? This is due to an empirical fact; the former rural poor have now become the urban poor, and thus the question ?rural development for whom?? remains unanswered. aDesenvolvimento Agrícola aDesenvolvimento Rural aDesenvolvimento Socio-Econômico aDesenvolvimento Sustentável aDesmatamento aImpacto Ambiental aMeio Ambiente aPolítica Agrária aBrasil aInclusão Social1 aPEDROSO, M. T. M. tIn: SONDERGAARD, N.; SÁ, C. D. de; PLATIAU, A. F. B. (ed.). Sustainability challenges of brazilian agriculture: governance, inclusion, and innovation. Cham : Springer, 2023. p. 229-248.