02089naa a2200253 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001902400520006010000290011224501120014126000090025352012940026265000140155665000230157065300090159365300440160265300310164670000280167770000180170570000210172370000160174470000240176077300510178421511792023-08-22 2023 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d7 ahttps://doi.org/10.1007/s10457-023-00805-72DOI1 aAGUIAR JÚNIOR, A. L. de aEucalypt modeling as a function of spatial arrangement in agrosilvopastoral systems.h[electronic resource] c2023 aThe objective of this study was to evaluate height-diameter, volumetric, and taper models to estimate tree height and volume to describe the bole profles of a eucalypts clone established in three agrosilvopastoral spatial arrangements (18×2.5; 5×2+40; 3 (3×2)+30) in Coronel Xavier Chaves, Minas Gerais state, Brazil. The diameter at breast height, total height, and diameter outside bark along the stems of the sample trees were collected. Height-diameter, volume, and taper models were ft to the observed data for each spatial arrangement and were compared to select the best alternative. The mean annual increment for single, double, and triple lines at 48, 60, and 72 months of age, respectively, ranged from 26.0 to 34.6 m3 ha?1 year?1, as well as individual volume ranged from 0.41 to 0.53 m3 tree?1. The heightdiameter curves showed a distinct tendency for each spatial arrangement and can be represented by diferent equations. The equations to estimate volume and taper ft well to the data, and the Spurr and Garay models were selected as the best ftting, respectively. In addition, Graybill's F-test (Theory and application of the linear model. Duxbury Press, Massachussetts, 1976) showed that a single equation could ft the Spurr and Garay models for all spatial arrangements. aEucalipto aSistema de Cultivo aILPF aIntegração lavoura-pecuária-floresta aSistema agrossilvipastoril1 aOLIVEIRA NETO, S. N. de1 aMULLER, M. D.1 aSOARES, C. P. B.1 aPENA, R. F.1 aCALSAVARA, L. H. F. tAgroforestry Systemsgv. 97, p. 495-508, 2023.