01616nam a2200325 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001910000190006024501940007926001870027330000160046052004150047665000280089165000290091965000180094865000240096665000230099065300400101365300090105365300370106265300100109965300210110965300390113070000150116970000220118470000170120670000190122370000210124270000270126321393112022-01-25 2020 bl uuuu u01u1 u #d1 aFAVARIN, A. M. aWhat Brazil does when nature callsbapplying situational theory of problem solving for coalition-building for sustainable agricultural practice for brazilian farmers.h[electronic resource] aIn: INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC RELATIONS RESEARCH CONFERENCE, 23., 2020, Orlando. Connecting theory and research with public relations practice: [proceedings]. Orlando: [s.n.], 2020.c2020 ap. 179-189. aBrazil initiated national actions toward sustainable farming in response to climate change. Qualitative studies were conducted using Situational Theory of Problem Solving (STOPS) to understand how farmers and stakeholders recognize problems and constraints in their solution adoption. A model practice of strategic communication is presented for the change agents in sustainable agriculture practice worldwide. aSustainable agriculture aAgricultura Sustentável aComunicação aRelações Publicas aSistema de Cultivo aCrop-livestock-forestry integration aILPF aIntegrated Crop-Livestock-Forest aSTOPS aSustentabilidade aTeoria da Resolução de Problemas1 aKIM, J.-K.1 aLIMA, A. L. S. de1 aFARIA, G. R.1 aANTUNES, J. M.1 aCASTRO, M. A. de1 aRODRIGUES, R. de A. R.