01233naa a2200181 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001902400470006010000210010724500770012826000090020552006790021465000120089365000190090570000170092470000200094177300900096121354422021-10-19 2002 bl uuuu u00u1 u #d7 ahttps://doi.org/10.1081/CSS-1200038912DOI1 aWASSERMAN, M. A. aBehavior of Cesium-137 in some Brazilian Oxisols.h[electronic resource] c2002 aCesium-137 (137Cs) soil-to-plant transfer factors obtained in an accidentally contaminated Oxisol in GoiĆ¢nia and another Oxisol experimentally contaminated show that these soils present higher transfer of 137Cs from soil to plants than previously observed in temperate climates. These differences were discussed in the light of the pedology and geochemical partitioning. Some tropical soil characteristics, such as acidity, low availability of nutritive elements and low content of 2:1 clay type may account for the high mobility for 137Cs even after a long period after contamination. Results of sequential extraction showed that most of the 137Cs is bound to soil oxides. aOxisols aSoil chemistry1 aPEREZ, D. V.1 aBOURG, A. C. M. tCommunications in Soil Science and Plant Analysisgv. 33, n. 7/8, p. 1335-1349, 2002.