01492nam a2200349 a 450000100080000000500110000800800410001902000220006010000170008224000570009924500650015626000330022130000180025449000400027250000430031252004810035565000170083665000120085365000220086565000280088765000250091565000130094065000330095365000180098665000120100465000250101665300240104170000200106570000200108570000180110570000190112321307632021-03-17 2020 bl uuuu 00u1 u #d a978-65-86056-03-71 aCOSTA, P. da aErradicação da pobreza: contribuições da Embrapa aNo povertybcontributions of Embrapa.h[electronic resource] aBrasília, DF: Embrapac2020 cE-book (pdf). a(Sustainable Development Goals, 1). aTranslated by Paulo de Holanda Morais. aPoverty eradication, the focus of this book, is addressed in SDG 1 and considered the greatest challenge to achieve global targets. This SDG aims to end poverty in all its forms everywhere. This publication is on the contributions of Embrapa related to SDG targets 1.1, 1.2, and 1.5, understanding that poverty should not only be seen as a deprivation of financial resources, but also, to a large extent, the deprivation of resources, capacities, choices, security, and power. aFamily farms aPoverty aSocial inequality aSustainable development aAgricultura Familiar aBiomassa aDesenvolvimento Sustentável aErradicação aPobreza aZoneamento Agrícola aDesigualdade social1 aCOSTA, J. R. da1 aWANDELLI, E. V.1 aBIANCHINI, F.1 aTAVARES, E. D.